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Amazon Brand Store Creation– A Complete Guide

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In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, establishing a robust online presence is paramount for businesses aiming to stay ahead of the curve. Amazon, a global e-commerce giant, offers a valuable feature known as the Amazon Brand Store, providing sellers and vendors with a unique opportunity to create a personalized and captivating online storefront. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of building an Amazon Brand Store explicitly tailored for the Indian market in 2023.

Let’s start this journey by exploring two intriguing case studies: Vermont Teddy Bears and Indo Boards. These success stories exemplify how an Amazon Brand Store can play a pivotal role in shaping a brand’s identity and boosting its popularity.

Case Study 1: Vermont Teddy Bears – A Heartfelt Journey

As a small, handmade teddy bear business, Vermont Teddy Bears embarked on their journey four decades ago. Today, they stand as leaders in the market, offering a diverse collection of teddy bears, including Super Soft, Oh So Soft, PJ Pal, Cuddle Chunks, and more. These bears, crafted with love and care, are cherished as tokens of affection and warmth.

Over the years, Vermont Teddy Bears has transitioned from a modest handmade teddy bear firm to a multimillion-dollar enterprise. A significant part of their success can be attributed to their strategic marketing approach, which aligns closely with the potential of Amazon’s Brand Store.

If you explore the Vermont Teddy Bear Brand Store, you’ll be greeted with a captivating experience. The store narrates its story through concise yet engaging content, displays its collection in an organized manner, showcases consumer testimonials via video, and provides a seamless shopping experience. These elements collectively make Vermont Teddy Bear’s brand store comprehensive, attractive, and highly shopable.

The combination of a well-designed brand store and strategic digital marketing campaigns has significantly boosted conversion rates, sales, return on ad spend, and other essential metrics that measure profitability.


Case Study 2: Indo Boards – Rising Above Challenges

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic brought forth unfavorable working conditions globally. Offices resorted to instructing employees to work from home, while fear of contracting the virus confined people within their homes. This shift led to a sedentary lifestyle, exacerbated by the closure of fitness centers.

Sensing the urgent need to stay fit and active, Indo Boards introduced balance boards. These boards required minimal space, making them suitable for use in homes of all sizes. Indo Boards strategically utilized the Amazon Brand Store to showcase their products effectively.

One notable feature of their brand store was a video set to autoplay and loop, demonstrating the use of the balance boards. By combining this immersive video experience with an easy shopping interface, Indo Boards increased website visits boosted conversion rates, and drove sales.

These case studies underscore the potential of Amazon’s Brand Store to yield substantial returns. If you’re an Amazon seller, these success stories inspire you to create an appealing, inspiring, and shoppable brand store. However, before diving into the process, it’s crucial to understand what an Amazon Brand Store entails. This guide is your roadmap to unlocking the full potential of this powerful tool in the Indian market.

What is an Amazon Brand Store?

An Amazon Brand Store represents a personalized and adaptable online storefront within the Amazon ecosystem. It acts as a central hub where sellers and vendors can present their brands and products to customers visually, captivatingly, and engagingly. The Brand Store offers a unique shopping experience, enabling businesses to narrate their brand’s story, exhibit various products, and foster connections with new and existing customers.

Structure and Layout of an Amazon Brand Store

Structure of Brand store

A meticulously designed Amazon Brand Store typically consists of several pivotal components, each geared toward enhancing the shopping experience:

  • Header: Positioned at the top of your Amazon Brand Store, the title should immediately seize the visitor’s attention and convey your brand’s essence. While text inclusion is permissible, the primary focus should be high-quality visuals aligned with your brand’s identity. The recommended dimensions for the header image are 3000×600 pixels.
  • Text or Text-Based Tiles: These tiles are tailored for succinct, informative product descriptions. Employ concise sentences to spotlight product features and benefits, striking a balance that offers informative insights without overwhelming shoppers.
  • Images or Image-Based Tiles: High-resolution images are pivotal for image-based tiles, as they serve as primary showcases for your products and their functionality. Whenever possible, include images that depict your products in practical usage, elucidating their purpose clearly.
  • Product with Text Tiles: Combining images and text, these tiles present your products with brief, descriptive titles. Aim for a harmonious composition, keeping titles concise at around 6 to 8 words. Striking this balance ensures that the product remains the focal point while providing essential information.

How to Create an Amazon Brand Store for Amazon India

Amazon Brand Store for Amazon India


Now, let’s embark on the step-by-step journey of crafting your Amazon Brand Store tailored for the Indian market in 2023:

Step 1: Prepare Your Amazon Seller Account

Before embarking on your Amazon Brand Store creation, it’s imperative to ensure that you possess a professional seller account. If you still need to acquire one, initiate the process by providing essential details such as your name, password, email address, payment information, and business contact details. Amazon maintains stringent verification policies to combat counterfeit products and sustain trust in the marketplace.

Step 2: Register Your Brand with Amazon Brand Registry

Once you’ve secured approval for your seller account, the next crucial step involves registering your brand with the Amazon Brand Registry (ABR). This step is pivotal, as ABR grants access to essential tools for safeguarding and promoting your brand on Amazon. It empowers you to harness premium content, including high-resolution images, videos, rich media, crisp product descriptions, and more, to elevate the shopping experience for new and existing customers.

Step 3: Design Your Amazon Brand Store

With your brand officially registered on Amazon Brand Registry, you can proceed to design your Amazon Brand Store:

(a) Choose a Suitable Template: Amazon offers an array of templates, each tailored to diverse brand and product requisites. Select the template that best aligns with your brand’s identity and objectives. Available templates encompass:

  • The Marquee: Ideal for showcasing imagery and descriptive content.
  • The Showcase: Content-rich with minimal text.
  • Product Grid: Perfect for spotlighting collections with concise product descriptions.
  • Blank: Offering complete customization.

2. Move on to creating pages other than the Home Page

Your Amazon Brand Store operates like a miniature website, allowing you to fashion multiple pages. Arrange these pages logically, accounting for factors such as discounts, offers, catalogs, product descriptions, and navigation. Ensuring your pages are methodically organized and user-friendly, akin to your website, enhances the shopping experience.

(a) Add tiles to every page

The next step to creating pages is to add tiles. But before that, make sure that the store pages are displayed in the right order. Once this is done, introduce content like:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Product Grids
  • Product titles
  • Product Description
  • Videos
  • Galleries

All this, placed systematically, enables the buyers to easily navigate and go through different elements of the brand store.

(b) Uploading your products

Once the layout of your brand store is ready, uploading the product is just a matter of time and can be done in one go. All you have to do is assign ASINs or UPCs to every product. After this, all that is left is to copy and paste them, and this becomes easy because searching ASINs on Amazon is entirely straightforward and not complicated. But, be sure to stock up the product inventory, a wide range of items for the buyers to pick from first.

(c) Summit the brand store pages for review and publish

The last step is to submit the pages to Amazon for review and publication. However, you must ensure that your brand page is error-free or rejected in Amazon reviews before you do that. Here are a few things that you should check for before submitting them for review

  • Grammar
  • Spellings
  • Brand Image inconsistencies
  • Issues with navigation, product images, content tiles, product title, and product description

With the publishing of the brand store, creating one ends. Since you know how to make a brand store, let’s discuss some design elements that can be used.

3. Design elements used in a brand store

(a) Header

The header is the first image on the top of the Amazon brand store, capturing the visitor’s immediate attention. So, your header image should speak of your brand in a clear and precise way. Use images that are consistent with your brand, as well as the logo on the header. You can also insert text but keep it minimal. The image should not be that text-heavy to take all the attention away from the brand image and logo. The dimension of the header image should be 3000×600.

(b) Text or Text-Based Tiles

For tiles that are explanative, try to use crisp and concise sentences. Let the content be descriptive but not very long. The idea here is to explain the features and utility of a product using limited text and shorter paragraphs. Therefore, use one or two sentences instead of keeping too much text.

(c) Images or image-based tiles

If you are planning to use image-based tile in your brand store, take images that are high resolution and of superior quality. The primary motive of image-based tiles is to represent a prominently visible product. And, if we use a model in the image with the product, the scope assumption is not there anymore. Instead, the buyer can see the functionality of the product.

(d) Product with text tiles

A tile with both the image and the text often has visuals with the product title. The image you use here is high resolution, and the title is short, explanatory, and crisp: it has 6 to 8 words. Assigning 50% of the tile to text and 50% to the product image is suggested. Moreover, the simpler the tile, the better it looks because the focus remains entirely on the product.   

Till now, we have already discussed creating the brand store and some design elements used in it. Now we move on-

Five Compelling Amazon Brand Store Design Strategies for Amazon India

  1. Showcasing Seasonal and Celebration Collections:

In the realm of e-commerce, your Amazon Brand Store serves as a versatile mini-website, capable of effectively spotlighting various product ranges. Leverage this capability to exhibit your seasonal and festival-specific collections prominently. Elevate these collections within your brand pages, increasing their visibility to captivate your audience. Alternatively, create dedicated pages to showcase these seasonal offerings extensively. This strategic placement aligns with the spirit of Indian festivities and can significantly bolster your sales during celebratory occasions.

  1. Unveiling New Products with Impact:

Launching a new product demands a grand stage, and your Amazon Brand Store provides just that. This is a momentous event that warrants widespread attention. Harness the power of a large, eye-catching tile adorned with a high-resolution image and succinct yet compelling text. Position it prominently on your brand store page to attract and engage users effectively. This approach boosts visibility, piques curiosity, and generates interest among potential buyers, making it the ideal platform to introduce new additions to your product lineup.

  1. Showcasing Brand Identity and Values:

The modern consumer values transparency and authenticity. They seek to understand the brand they’re investing in before purchasing. Simplify this process for your customers by incorporating your brand’s rich history and core values into your Amazon Brand Store. Rather than sifting through many search engine links, buyers can conveniently access your brand’s narrative and ethos in one cohesive space. This commitment to transparency fosters trust, establishing a deeper connection with your audience.

  1. Spotlighting Special Offers and Irresistible Discounts:

Your Amazon Brand Store should serve as a beacon for your special offers and irresistible discounts. Ensure that these valuable deals are easy to notice by featuring them prominently on your home page. Captivate the attention of visitors with distinctive displays of your enticing offers. Highlighting these promotions effectively captures the eyes of potential buyers, encouraging them to explore your offerings further. In a marketplace as competitive as Amazon India, the strategic placement of deals can be a game-changer, driving increased conversions and sales.

  1. Eliciting Emotional Connections

Emotion is a powerful driver of consumer behavior. Elevate your product recognition by infusing emotional content alongside your offerings in your brand store. This approach elicits a strong and distinct connection with your audience, resulting in a notable surge in clicks and sales. Embrace the opportunity to connect with your clients on a deeper, emotional level through your brand store. Doing so fulfills the yearning for customer satisfaction and loyalty that today’s discerning consumers seek. This emotional resonance can set you apart in the competitive e-commerce landscape of Amazon India.

Amazon Brand Store features



Creating an Amazon Brand Store for Amazon India unveils a potent avenue to establish your brand’s identity and engage with Indian customers. By acquainting yourself with crafting a comprehensive brand store, comprehending its design elements, and exploring popular design options, you can harness this feature effectively in 2023.

In the dynamic e-commerce landscape of India, remaining abreast of Amazon’s latest features and enhancements is paramount. Novel features, such as shoppable image collections, can elevate the allure and effectiveness of your Amazon Brand Store. Amazon India presents abundant business opportunities; with the right approach, your Amazon Brand Store can evolve into a magnet for Indian buyers, propelling sales and profitability.

At Paxcom, we specialize in curating enticing and comprehensive Amazon Brand Stores tailored to the Indian market. Our team diligently ensures that your brand store harmonizes with your brand’s values and resonates with Indian consumers, delivering an exceptional shopping experience that encapsulates the vibrancy of India’s dynamic e-commerce landscape.

Connect with us at or book a free call with our experts.

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